How Do We Go About Understanding the Nature of Nonlinear Learning?
Edited by: Jia Yi Chow , Yeou-Teh Liu
September 13, 2012
Jia Yi Chow and Yeou-Teh Liu
Karl M. Newell and Yeou-Teh Liu
Robert Hristovski, Keith Davids , Pedro Passos and Duarte Araujo
C. Button, C-Y. M. Lee, A. Dutt Mazumder, W. K. C. Tan and J-Y. Chow
Christopher AL Edwards and Nicola J Hodges
Ian Renshaw, Anthony R. Oldham and Mark Bawden
W. I. Schollhorn, P. Hegen and K. Davids
Keith Davids, Ian Renshaw, Ross Pinder, Duarte Araujo and Luis Vilar
Training Control And Performance Assessment In Sport
Edited by: Ricardo J. Fernandes, Julio Garganta, Maria Teresa Anguera
October 19, 2012
Ricardo J. Fernandes, Julio Garganta and Maria Teresa Anguera
Sousa M, Vilas-Boas J.P and Fernandes R.J
Jose Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos, Rui Filipe Santos Sousa and Tania Patricia Amorim
Ines Goncalves, Pedro Figueiredo, Joao Paulo Vilas-Boas, Ricardo J. Fernandes and Susana Soares
Abraldes J.A, Vila H, Ferragut C, Rodriguez N and Fernandes R
Lurdes Avila-Carvalho, Maria da Luz Palomero, Panaginota Klentrou and Eunice Lebre
Rojapon Buranarugsa, Jose Oliveira and Jose Maia
Filipe Casanova, Julio Garganta, Jose Oliveira and Mark Williams
Rui Manuel Flores Araujo, Jose Afonso Neves and Isabel Maria Ribeiro Mesquita
Carlos Humberto Almeida, Antonio Paulo Ferreira and Anna Volossovitch
Pedro Moreira Silva, Julio Garganta, Jose Antonio Maia and Pedro Manuel Santos
Carlos Lago-Penas, Ezequiel Rey and Joaquin Lago-Ballesteros
J. Pratas, A. Volossovitch and A. P. Ferreira