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Mathematical Basis for Modeling Swimmer Power Output in the Front Crawl Tethered Swimming: An Application to Aerobic Evaluation

The Open Sports Sciences Journal 27 June 2008 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1875399X00801010031


The purposes of this manuscript were to discuss the propelling hydrodynamics in human tethered swimming, and its application to strength evaluation and to approach power-time limit model (P-tLim) in tethered-crawl (PuTeth-tLim). Physiological and mechanical characteristics of tethered and free swimming have shown to be very similar, and thus tethered swimming is a reliable condition for evaluation and training. Hydrodynamics assumptions for hydrofoil in free swimming were applied for tethered swimming to support the power-time limit model reproduction. Critical power in crawl-tethered (PuTethCrit) was shown to be closely related to the critical velocity determined during free swimming and performance of competitive distances ranged from 200 to 1500-m. These results recognize the PuTeth-tLim model as a suitable method to reproduce P-tLim model in swimming, but the reliability of the PuTethCrit as an index of aerobic capacity, and training intensity must be explored in further researches.

Keywords: Active drag force, Tethered swimming, Hydrofoil mechanics, Power-time limit model.
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